Which one is not a merit of External sources of Recruitment ? |
Wider choice Fresh Talent Competitive spirit Dissatisfaction among existing employees |
Dissatisfaction among existing employees |
The correct answer is option (4) : Dissatisfaction among existing employees External Sources - An enterprise has to tap external sources for various positions because all the vacancies cannot be filled through internal recruitment. The existing staff may be insufficient or they may not fulfill the eligibility criteria of the jobs to be filled. Merits of External Sources The advantages of using external sources of recruitment are as follows: (i) Qualified Personnel: By using external sources of recruitment, the management can attract qualified and trained people to apply for vacant jobs in the organisation. (ii) Wider Choice: When vacancies are advertised widely, a large number of applicants from outside the organisation apply. The management has a wider choice while selecting the people for employment. (iii) Fresh Talent : The present employees may be insufficient or they may not fulfill the specifications of the jobs to be filled. External recruitment provide wider choice and brings new blood in the organisation. However, it is expensive and time consuming. (iv) Competitive Spirit : If a company taps external sources, the existing staff will have to compete with the outsiders. They will work harder to show better performance. |