Match definition in List - I with concept in List - II.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
(A)-(II), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(III) (A)-(I), (B)-(II), (C)-(IV), (D)-(III) (A)-(IV), (B)-(II), (C)-(I), (D)-(III) (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(II) |
(A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(II) |
The correct answer is Option (4) - (A)-(III), (B)-(IV), (C)-(I), (D)-(II). In everyday language, the word ‘communalism’ refers to aggressive chauvinism based on religious identity. An ethnic group is based on common descent in addition to other commonalities of language or culture. A secular person or state is one that does not favour any particular religion over others. Secularism in this sense is the opposite of religious chauvinism and it need not necessarily imply hostility to religion as such. An authoritarian state is the opposite of a democratic state. It is a state in which the people have no voice and those in power are not accountable to anyone. Authoritarian states often limit or abolish civil liberties like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of political activity, right to protection from wrongful use of authority, right to the due processes of the law, and so on. |