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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Environment and Natural Resources


Identify the incorrect statements:


Narmada Bachao Andolan is an anti-dam movement.

In the Philippines, green organization fights to protect eagles and other birds.

There has been violence among Israel, Syria and Jordan for sharing water of rivers.

In India there are no indigenous people.

Correct Answer:

In India there are no indigenous people.


The correct answer is option (4) - In India there are no indigenous people.

In India, the description ‘indigenous people’ is usually applied to the Scheduled Tribes who constitute nearly eight per cent of the population of the country. With the exception of small communities of hunters and gatherers, most indigenous populations in India depend for their subsistence primarily on the cultivation of land

Other 3 statements:

Narmada Bachao Andolan was a movement was to save Narmada and opposed the construction of large dams and questioned the very nature of development. It was led by Medha Patkar.

Wilderness-oriented perspectives have been predominant in Australia, Scandinavia, North America, and New Zealand. In these regions, there are still large tracts of relatively ‘underdeveloped wilderness’, unlike in most European countries.  This is not to say that wilderness campaigns are entirely missing in the South. In the Philippines, green organizations fight to protect eagles and other birds of prey from extinction.

States have used force to protect or seize freshwater resources. Examples of violence include those between Israel, Syria, and Jordan in the 1950s and 1960s over attempts by each side to divert water from the Jordan and Yarmuk Rivers, and more recent threats between Turkey, Syria, and Iraq over the construction of dams on the Euphrates River. A number of studies show that countries that share rivers — and many countries do share rivers — are involved in military conflicts with each other.