Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


Identify the right sequence of the process of attitude change according to two-step concept given by S.M Mohsin

A. Source also has positive attitude towards target.
B. Target has liking and regard for the source.
C. Target of change identifies with the source.
D. Observing the source's changed attitude, target also shows an attitude change.
E. Source shows the attitude change.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


C, D, B, A, E

C, B, E, D, A

C, B, D, E, A

C, B, A, E, D

Correct Answer:

C, B, A, E, D


The correct answer is C, B, A, E, D

The two-step concept was proposed by S.M. Mohsin, an Indian psychologist. According to him, attitude change takes place in the form of two steps. In the first step, the target of change identifies with the source. The ‘target’ is the person whose attitude is to be changed. The ‘source’ is the person through whose influence the change is to take place. Identification means that the target has liking and regard for the source. S/he puts herself/himself in the place of the target, and tries to feel like her/him. The source must also have a positive attitude towards the target, and the regard and attraction becomes mutual. In the second step, the source herself/himself shows an attitude change, by actually changing her/him behaviour towards the attitude object. Observing the source’s changed attitude and behaviour, the target also shows an attitude change through behaviour. This is a kind of imitation or observational learning.


The sequence of the process is as follows:

  1. The target of change identifies with the source.

  2. Target has liking and regard for the source.
  3. Source also has positive attitude towards target.

  4. Source shows the attitude change.
  5. Observing the source's changed attitude, target also shows an attitude change.