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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

A wolf in sheep's clothing


Desire or wish

A hypocrite, a deceiver

Besides the purpose

Without hiding a matter

Correct Answer:

A hypocrite, a deceiver


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "a wolf in sheep's clothing" is a hypocrite, a deceiver. This idiom comes from the Bible, where it is used to describe someone who pretends to be good or harmless but is actually evil or dangerous. It is often used to describe people who pretend to be kind or helpful but are actually only interested in their own gain.

The other options are not as accurate or appropriate. Desire or wish means to want something or to have a strong inclination towards something. Besides the purpose means not relevant to the topic or discussion at hand. Without hiding a matter means to be honest and open about something.