Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the correct direct form of the given sentence.

Nita ordered her servant to bring her cup of tea.


Nita told her servant, "Bring a cup of tea."

Nita said, "Bring me a cup of tea."

Nita said to her servant, "Bring me a cup of tea."

Nita told her servant, "Bring her that cup of tea."

Correct Answer:

Nita said to her servant, "Bring me a cup of tea."


The correct direct form of the given sentence is:

Nita said to her servant, "Bring me a cup of tea."

When converting indirect speech to direct speech, we need to make the following changes:

  • Add quotation marks.
  • Change the reporting verb to one that is appropriate for the mood of the sentence in indirect speech. In this case, the reporting verb "ordered" is changed to "said" because the sentence in indirect speech is an imperative sentence.
  • Change the pronouns to match the subject and object of the direct speech sentence. In this case, the pronoun "her" in the indirect speech sentence is changed to "me" in the direct speech sentence because the subject of the direct speech sentence is Nita.
  • Change the verb tense to match the tense of the reporting verb. In this case, the verb tense in the indirect speech sentence is present tense, so the verb tense in the direct speech sentence is also present tense.

Therefore, the correct direct speech sentence is:

Nita said to her servant, "Bring me a cup of tea."