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Target Exam





Psychological Disorders

Diathesis-stress model has three components. What are those three components from the following?
a) the diathesis or the presence of some biological aberration which may be inherited.
b) abnormal behaviour is best understood in light of the social and cultural forces that influence an individual.
c) the diathesis may carry a vulnerability to develop a psychological disorder.
d) the presence of pathogenic stressors, i.e. factors/ stressors that may lead to psychopathology.
e) the abnormal functioning can result from cognitive problems.
a, b, d
b, d, e
a, c, d
d, c, e
Correct Answer:
a, c, d
Diathesis-stress model has three components. The first is the diathesis or the presence of some biological aberration which may be inherited. The second component is that the diathesis may carry a vulnerability to develop a psychological disorder. This means that the person is ‘at risk’ or ‘predisposed’ to develop the disorder. The third component is the presence of pathogenic stressors, i.e. factors/ stressors that may lead to psychopathology.