Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Consumer Protection


Which of the following is NOT true regarding role of NGOs (Non Government Organizations) in consumer protection ?


Educating general public about consumer rights

Publishing periodicals and other publications on consumer rights

Asking consumers to avoid legal hassles

Ensuring testing of goods

Correct Answer:

Asking consumers to avoid legal hassles


The correct answer is option (3) : Asking consumers to avoid legal hassles

The statement "Asking consumer to avoid legal hassles" is NOT true regarding the role of NGOs (Non-Government Organizations) in consumer protection. NGOs typically do not ask consumers to avoid legal hassles; instead, they often provide guidance and support to consumers when dealing with legal issues related to consumer rights violations.

The other three statements are true regarding the role of NGOs in consumer protection.

Educating the general public about consumer rights : NGOs often play a significant role in educating the public their rights as consumers and how to assert those rights.

Publishing periodicals and other publication on consumer rights : Many consumer protection NGOs publish materials that inform consumers about their rights and offer guidance on how to protect themselves from unfair or deceptive practices.

Ensuring testing of goods : Some NGOs may  be involved in independence testing of products to ensure their safety and quality, providing consumers with valuable information about the products they purchase.

So, the correct answer is (1) "Asking consumers to avoid legal hassles."