Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: End of Bi-Polarity


Match the following options in List 1 correctly with those in List 2:

List 1

List 2

(a) Took over the seat of the USSR in the UN

(i) Ruble

(b) Russian currency

(ii) Tajikistan

(c) Witnessed a civil war

(iii) World Bank

(d) Aided Shock Therapy in post-Soviet countries

(iv) Russia



(a)- iv, (b)- i, (c)- ii, (d) iii

(a)- iv, (b)- i, (c)- iii, (d) ii

(a)- iv, (b)- ii, (c)- i, (d) iii

(a)- i, (b)- iv, (c)- ii, (d) iii

Correct Answer:

(a)- iv, (b)- i, (c)- ii, (d) iii


Russia took over the seat of the USSR in UN in December 1991.

In Central Asia, Tajikistan witnessed a civil war that went on for ten years till 2001.

The value of the ruble, the Russian currency declined dramatically during the shock therapy.

The model of transition in Russia, Central Asia, and eastern Europe that was aided by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund came to be known as ‘shock therapy'.