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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System


How did the opposition leaders view Indira Gandhi's statesmanship post-1971 war?


They were critical and opposed her approach.

They admired her statesmanship.

They remained indifferent to her leadership.

They considered her inexperienced.

Correct Answer:

They admired her statesmanship.


Shortly following the 1971 Lok Sabha elections, a significant political and military crisis emerged in East Pakistan, now recognized as Bangladesh. The aftermath of the 1971 elections saw the eruption of a crisis in East Pakistan, culminating in the Indo-Pak war and the subsequent establishment of Bangladesh. These consequential events substantially bolstered the popularity of Indira Gandhi. Even opposition leaders acknowledged her adept statesmanship. Her party triumphed in all the State Assembly elections held in 1972.