Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Entrepreneurship Development


Which of the following steps in the process of entrepreneurship development will happen immediately after 'Development of product/source idea'?


Appraisal by the funding agencies

Project commissioning and launch

Assessment of feasibility of the idea and preparation of a business plan

Adaptation and management of growth

Correct Answer:

Assessment of feasibility of the idea and preparation of a business plan


The correct answer is Option (3) - Assessment of feasibility of the idea and preparation of a business plan.

The process of entrepreneurship development is as follows-

* Resource Mobilisation : The initial step involves securing the necessary resources for starting the business. This could include financial resources, human resources, technology, and other essential elements.

Scanning the Environment for Entrepreneurial Opportunities: After securing resources, entrepreneurs typically scan the business environment to identify potential opportunities. This involves assessing market trends, customer needs, and gaps in the industry.

Development of Product/Service Idea: Once an opportunity is identified, the entrepreneur develops a product or service idea that aligns with the identified market needs or opportunities. This step is crucial for creating a unique value proposition.

Assessment of Feasibility of the Idea and Preparation of Business Plan: Before moving forward, it's important to assess the feasibility of the product or service idea. Entrepreneurs prepare a detailed business plan, outlining the market strategy, financial projections, and operational plans.

Appraisal by the Funding Agencies: With a solid business plan in place, entrepreneurs seek funding from various sources. Funding agencies assess the viability of the business proposal and decide whether to provide financial support.