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Target Exam



Business Studies


Financial Management


The cost in the process of raising fund through equity is known as...............


Financial risk

Cost of debt

Flotation cost

Cost of capital

Correct Answer:

Flotation cost


The cost of each type of finance has to be estimated. Some sources may be cheaper than others. For example, debt is considered to be the cheapest of all the sources, tax deductibility of interest makes it still cheaper. Associated risk is also different for each source, e.g., it is necessary to pay interest on debt and redeem the principal amount on maturity. There is no such compulsion to pay any dividend on equity shares. Thus, there is some amount of financial risk in debt financing. The overall financial risk depends upon the proportion of debt in the total capital. The fund raising exercise also costs something. This cost is called flotation cost. It also must be considered while evaluating different sources. Financing decision is, thus, concerned with the decisions about how much to be raised from which source. This decision determines the overall cost of capital and the financial risk of the enterprise. The costs that a company incurs when it makes a new issue of either stocks or bonds. Flotation costs include the costs of printing the certificates, paying the underwriters, government fees, and other associated costs.