Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following case study and answer the question :

Ramu is very hungry since he did not breakfast in the morning. By 1.00 P.M. he became restless and started walking on the road in search of a hotel for snacks or meals.

After walking for 2kms, he could find a hotel where roti and dal was available for ₹10. Since he had only ₹15 in pocket, he paid ₹10 and had a satisfying meal. After taking a meal, he felt that he had regained energy.

Ramu after having meal, is satisfied now. How it will impact him ?


Helps to improve performance

Leads to contribute minimum efforts

Helps in motivating himself to take another meal

Helps in changing his present organisation

Correct Answer:

Helps to improve performance


The correct answer is option (1) : Helps to improve performance

The impact on Ramu after having a satisfying meal is:

(1) Helps to improve performance

After having a satisfying meal and regaining energy, Ramu is likely to experience an improvement in his performance and overall well-being. When a person's basic physiological need for food is satisfied, it can lead to increased energy levels, better concentration, and improved physical and mental performance. This can help Ramu in carrying out tasks more effectively and efficiently.

Certainly, let's explain the other options:

(2) Leads to contribute minimum efforts: This option suggests that having a meal would lead Ramu to put in minimal effort. However, this does not align with the scenario presented in the case study. Ramu's satisfaction from having a meal is more likely to boost his energy and motivation, potentially leading to more active efforts, not minimal efforts.

(3) Helps in motivating himself to take another meali While having a satisfying meal may motivate someone to eat again in the future, the case study does not provide information about Ramu's motivation for another meal. The immediate impact of having a meal is typically related to increased energy and reduced hunger.

(4) Helps in changing his present organization: The case study does not suggest any connection between having a meal and changing organizations. This option is not relevant to the situation described.

Given the information in the case study, option (1) "Helps to improve performance" is the most appropriate description of the impact on Ramu after having a satisfying meal.