Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage and answer the question that follows:

Knowledge has many forms and it is available at many places. It is acquired through education, information, intelligence and experience. It is available in academic institutions, with teachers, in libraries, in research papers, seminar proceedings and in various organizations and workplaces with workers, managers, in drawings, in process sheets and on the shop floors. Knowledge, though closely linked to education, comes equally from learning skills such as those possessed by our artists, craftsmen, hakims, vaidyas, philosophers and saints, as also our housewives. Knowledge plays a very important role in their performance and output too. Our heritage and history, the rituals, epics and traditions that form part our consciousness are also vast resources of knowledge as are our libraries and universities. There is an abundance of unorthodox, earthy wisdom in our villages. There are hidden treasures of knowledge in our environment, in the oceans, bioreserves and deserts, in the plant and animal life. Every state in our country has a unique core competence for a knowledge society.

Why is every state in India unique?


Because people who live there are unique

Because law and order situation is different in each state

Because each state has a different cultural heritage

Because some states are given priority over others

Correct Answer:

Because each state has a different cultural heritage


The correct answer is Option (3) - Because each state has a different cultural heritage