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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


Which of the following statements are true about National Revolutionary Party?

(a) It is also called Institutional Revolutionary Party (in Spanish).
(b) It was founded in 1939 in Spain.
(c} Plutarco Elias Calles was the founder of the party.
(d) Its rule came to be known as 'the perfect democracy'.


Only (a) and (c} are correct.

Only (b) is correct

Only (a) and (d) are correct.

(a) (b) (c} and (d) all are correct.

Correct Answer:

Only (a) and (c} are correct.


Founded in 1929, as National Revolutionary Party and later renamed as the Institutional Revolutionary Party, the PRI (in Spanish), exercised power in Mexico for almost six decades. It represented the legacy of the Mexican revolution. Over a period of time, Plutarco Elías Calles, the founder of PRI, was able to capture the organisation and thereby the government. Elections were held at regular intervals and it was the PRI which won every time. Other parties existed in name only so as to give the ruling party greater legitimacy. The electoral laws were operated in a manner so as to ensure that the PRI always won. Elections were often rigged and manipulated by the ruling party. Its rule was described as ‘the perfect dictatorship’. Finally the party lost in the Presidential elections held in 2000.