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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: End of Bi-Polarity


In addition to defense and energy, what other areas have Russia and India collaborated on?

1) Cultural exchanges and artistic endeavors
2) Environmental conservation and wildlife protection
3) Scientific projects and technological advancements
4) Space exploration and lunar missions

Choose the correct answer from the given options:






Correct Answer:



Russia and India have collaborated on various scientific projects and technological advancements in addition to defense and energy cooperation.

India stands to benefit from its relationship with Russia on issues like Kashmir, energy supplies, sharing information on international terrorism, access to Central Asia, and balancing its relations with China. Russia stands to benefit from this relationship because India is the second largest arms market for Russia. The Indian military gets most of its hardware from Russia. Since India is an oil-importing nation, Russia is important to India and has repeatedly come to the assistance of India during its oil crises. India is seeking to increase its energy imports from Russia and the republics of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Cooperation with these republics includes partnership and investment in oilfields. Russia is important for India’s nuclear energy plans and assisted India's space industry by giving, for example, the cryogenic rocket when India needed it. Russia and India have collaborated on various scientific projects.