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Target Exam





Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


Read the passage and answer the questions:

In January 1915, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi returned to his homeland after two decades of residence abroad. These years had been spent for the most part in South Africa, where he went as a lawyer, and in time became a leader of the Indian community in that territory. As the historian Chandran Devanesan has remarked. South Africa was "the making of the Mahatma". It was in South Africa that Mahatma Gandhi first forged the distinctive techniques of non-violent protest known as satyagraha, first promoted harmony between religions, and first alerted upper-caste Indians to their discriminatory treatment of low castes and women.

Where was the technique of 'satyagraha' invented?





South Africa

Correct Answer:

South Africa


The correct answer is Option (4) → South Africa

The technique of 'satyagraha' was developed and perfected by Mahatma Gandhi during his time in South Africa. While Gandhi's activism in India is more widely known, it was in South Africa that he first experimented with and formulated the principles of satyagraha.

The term "satyagraha" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "satya" (truth) and "agraha" (insistence or holding firmly to). It represented a nonviolent form of civil resistance and civil disobedience, where individuals would peacefully protest against unjust laws, policies, or actions by refusing to obey them.

So, the correct option is [4].