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Target Exam



Political Science




As per the Western model of secularism, what do all secular states have in common?

A) They are not theocratic.
B) They are theocratic.
C) They establish and promote a religion.
D) They do not establish a religion.

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


A and B

B and C

C and D

A and D

Correct Answer:

A and D


The correct answer is Option 4 - A and D

A) They are not theocratic.
D) They do not establish a religion

THE WESTERN MODEL OF SECULARISM : All secular states have one thing in common: they are neither theocratic nor do they establish a religion. However, in most commonly prevalent conceptions, inspired mainly by the American model, separation of religion and state is understood as mutual exclusion: the state will not intervene in the affairs of religion and, in the same manner, religion will not interfere in the affairs of the state. Each has a separate sphere of its own with independent jurisdiction. No policy of the state can have an exclusively religious rationale. No religious classification can be the basis of any public policy. If this happened there is illegitimate intrusion of religion in the state.