Practicing Success

Target Exam



-- Mathematics - Section B2


Probability Distributions


Consider the following statement regarding sample parameter and statistic; statistical inference and t-test:

A. There are only three types of probability sampling: stratified, simple and systematic.
B. Since $\alpha$ = probability of the Type-I error, then $(1-\alpha)$ is probability of not rejecting $H_o$ when $H_a$ is true.
C. t-value is represented as; $t=\frac{\text { Mean }- \text { Comparison value }}{\text { Standerd error }}$
D. A sample of less than 30 is considered to be sufficient to hold Central Limit Theorem (CLT).
E. A confidence interval consists of three components: confidence level, sample statistic and margin of error.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


C and E only

A, B and E only

A and E only

B, C and D only

Correct Answer:

C and E only


The correct answer is Option (1) → C and E only