Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounting Ratios


Which profitability Ratio explains the relationship of relation to investment?


Operating Profit Ratio

Operating Ratio

Gross Profit Ratio

Return on investment

Correct Answer:

Return on investment


Return on Capital Employed or Investment: It explains the overall utilisation of funds by a business enterprise. Capital employed means the long-term funds employed in the business and includes shareholders’ funds, debentures and long-term loans. Alternatively, capital employed may be taken as the total of non-current assets and working capital. Profit refers to the Profit Before Interest and Tax (PBIT) for computation of this ratio. Thus, it is computed as follows:
Return on Investment (or Capital Employed) = Profit before Interest and Tax/ Capital Employed × 100
*It measures return on capital employed in the business. It reveals the efficiency of the business in utilisation of funds entrusted to it by shareholders, debenture-holders and long-term loans. For inter-firm comparison, return on capital employed funds is considered a good measure of profitability. It also helps in assessing whether the firm is earning a higher return on capital employed as compared to the interest rate paid.