Practicing Success

Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


X, Y & Z are partners in a partnership firm. They decided to dissolve the firm for which firm borne the realisation expenses of ₹20,000. On the date of dissolution following information is available-

X's Capital = ₹5,00,000
Y's Capital = ₹5,00,000
Z's Capital = ₹3,00,000
Creditors = ₹2,00,000
Cash = ₹3,00,000
Profit and loss credit balance = ₹1,50,000
Loan to Y = ₹1,00,000
Land & building = ₹8,00,000
Investments = ₹2,00,000
Debtors = ₹1,00,000
Stock = ₹1,50,000


  • Land & building sold at a profit of 12.5%.
  • Debtors are realised at ₹90,000 whereas stock is realised at ₹1,40,000.
  • X take over the investments for ₹1,90,000.
  • All the creditors are paid by the firm on which firm got discount of 5%.

Pass the journal entry for the investments takeover.


 X's capital A/c Dr.  ₹1,90,000
      To Realisation A/c ₹1,90,000

 X's capital A/c Dr.    ₹1,90,000
          To Investments A/c ₹1,90,000

Realisation A/c Dr. ₹1,90,000
      To X's capital A/c ₹1,90,000

Investments A/c Dr. ₹1,90,000
    To X's capital A/c      ₹1,90,000

Correct Answer:

 X's capital A/c Dr.  ₹1,90,000
      To Realisation A/c ₹1,90,000


The correct answer is option 1-
 X's capital A/c Dr.  ₹1,90,000
       To Realisation A/c      ₹1,90,000

Investments is transferred to realisation account at the value of ₹2,00,000. After this it is takeover by X. So, journal entry will be-  
X's capital A/c Dr.  ₹1,90,000
      To Realisation A/c ₹1,90,000.

It means X's capital is reduced by this amount as he took over the investments of this amount.