Practicing Success

Target Exam





Entrepreneurial Opportunity


Sudha has just passed her class XII with 90% marks and was to start her own business but was unable to decide about the nature of business. Her friend, Sumita suggested her to seek professional help.

One day during the morning walk her grandmother fell down in park. She observed that her grandmother often forgets to take her medicines. She thought that the same problem might be faced by other old people. She got an idea from here to start a business, to develop an instrument for old people that could be fitted with an electronic device connected to the mobile phones of members of their family which could indicate the location of old people when they go outside their homes. This device was to be kept in their pockets. She also thought to fit a timer in the instrument that could remind the old persons about the time of taking their medicines. She also made it a point to observe her grandmother sometimes during the morning walk to see the functioning of the device. Sudha also studied pros and cons of production before launching it.

She contacted a professional, Sanjay, as advised by her friend, and asked him to give his valuable technical assistance and capital to finance her ideas.

Identify the trend spotted by Sudha in the below mentioned lines.

"She also made it a point to observe her grandmother sometimes during the morning walk to see functioning of the device".


Talk trend

Think trend

Watch trend

Read trend

Correct Answer:

Watch trend


The trend spotted by Sudha in the above mentioned lines is Watch trend.

Sudha observed her grandmother's behavior to see how the device was working and to identify any potential problems. This observation helped her to refine her idea and make sure that the device was easy to use and effective.

The other options are not suitable because:

  • Talk trend: This implies that Sudha was talking to people about her idea to get their feedback. The passage does not mention Sudha talking to anyone about her idea.
  • Think trend: This implies that Sudha was thinking about her idea and trying to come up with new solutions. Sudha may have been thinking about her idea, but the passage specifically mentions that she was observing her grandmother to see how the device was working.
  • Read trend: This implies that Sudha was reading about trends in the market to identify potential opportunities. The passage does not mention Sudha reading about trends.

Therefore, the most appropriate trend term to describe what Sudha was doing is "Watch trend."