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Target Exam





Indian Society: Demographic Structure of Indian Society

"Which of the following statements are correct regarding census in India.
1.Independent India continued the practice of decennial census started by Portugese in Colonial times and seven decennial censuses have been conducted since 1951, the most recent being in 2011.
2.India adopted the practice of conducting decennial census from China. "
Only 1
Only 2
Both 1 and 2
None of these
Correct Answer:
None of these
The American census of 1790 was probably the first modern census, and the practice was soon taken up in Europe as well in the early 1800s. In India, censuses began to be conducted by the British Indian government between 1867-72, and regular ten yearly (or decennial) censuses have been conducted since 1881. Independent India continued the practice, and seven decennial censuses have been conducted since 1951, the most recent being in 2011. The Indian census is the largest such exercise in the world (since China, which has a slightly larger population, does not conduct regular censuses).