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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Battle of Plassey was fought between ______.


Alivardi Khan and British Amry

Sirajuddaulah and British Army

Mir Qasim and British Army

Marathas and British Army

Correct Answer:

Sirajuddaulah and British Army


The correct answer is Option 2- Sirajuddaulah and British Army

The Battle of Plassey was fought between Sirajuddaulah and the British Army on June 23, 1757.

Sirajuddaulah was the Nawab of Bengal, while the British Army was led by Robert Clive. The battle was fought at Palashi, which is located in present-day West Bengal, India.

The British won the Battle of Plassey, which marked a turning point in British colonial rule in India. The victory gave the British control of Bengal, which was the richest province in India. The British went on to expand their control over other parts of India in the following years.

The Battle of Plassey is a controversial event in Indian history. Some historians argue that the battle was a decisive victory for the British and that it led to the British conquest of India. Others argue that the battle was not as important as it is often made out to be and that the British would have eventually conquered India even if they had lost the battle.