Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Environment and Natural Resources


Read the passage and answer the question:

Regional variations and the increasing scarcity of freshwater in some parts of the world point to the possibility of disagreements over shared water resources as a leading source of conflicts in the 21st century. Some commentators on world politics have referred to ‘water wars’ to describe the possibility of violent conflict over this life-sustaining resource. Countries that share rivers can disagree over many things. For instance, a typical disagreement is a downstream (lower riparian) state’s objection to pollution, excessive irrigation, or the construction of dams by an upstream (upper riparian) state which might decrease or degrade the quality of water available to the downstream state.

Which of the following is not an objective of the Marine Fishing Policy, 2004?


To increase export and per capita fish protein intake of the masses.

Install trawlers and remove traditional fishermen from the seas.

To change Marine fish production to a sustainable level.

Develop environmentally sustainable marine fisheries.

Correct Answer:

Install trawlers and remove traditional fishermen from the seas.


The correct answer is Option 2 - Install trawlers and remove traditional fishermen from the seas.

Option 1- To increase export and per capita fish protein intake of the masses
Option 2- Install trawlers and remove traditional fishermen from the seas (not an objective of the Marine Fishing Policy, 2004)
Option 3- To change Marine fish production to a sustainable level
Option 4- Develop environmentally sustainable marine fisheries


Marine Fishing Policy, 2004: The main objectives are:

To change Marine fish production to a sustainable level.
To increase export and per capita fish protien intake of the masses.
Insure economic security of the traditional fisherman.
Develop environmentally sustainable marine fisheries, etc.