"The Principles of Management are directly or indirectly part of MBA (Masters in Business Administration) or BBA ( Bachelor in Business Administration) curriculum". What significant of management does it indicate ? |
Meeting changing environment requirements Fulfilling Social responsibility Management training, Education and Research Providing managers with useful insights into reality |
Management training, Education and Research |
The correct answer is option (3) : Management training, Education and Research The statement "The Principles of Management are directly or indirectly part of MBA (Masters in Business Administration) or BBA (Bachelor in Business Administration) curriculum" indicates the significance of management related to Management training, Education, and Research. Management training, education and research: Principles of management are at the core of management theory. As such these are used as a basis for management training, education and research. You must be aware that entrance to management institutes is preceded by management aptitude tests. Do you think that these tests could have been developed without an understanding of management principles and how they may be applied in different situations? These principles provide basic groundwork for the development of management as a discipline. Professional courses such as MBA (Master of Business Administration), BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) also teach these principles as part of their curriculum at the beginner’s level. * Providing managers with useful insights into reality: The principles of management provide the managers with useful insights into real world situations. Adherence to these principles will add to their knowledge, ability and understanding of managerial situations and circumstances. It will also enable managers to learn from past mistakes and conserve time by solving recurring problems quickly. As such management principles increase managerial efficiency. * Meeting changing environment requirements: Although the principles are in the nature of general guidelines but they are modified and as such help managers to meet changing requirements of the environment. * Fulfilling social responsibility: The increased awareness of the public, forces businesses especially limited companies to fulfill their social responsibilities. Management theory and management principles have also evolved in response to these demands. Moreover, the interpretation of the principles also assumes newer and contemporary meanings with the change in time. So, if one were to talk of ‘equity’ today, it does not apply to wages alone. Value to the customer, care for the environment, dealings with business associates would all come under the purview of this principle. |