Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: Secondary Activities


Pittsburg Industrial Region of U.S.A. is now known as the ________ after losing its ground as an industrial town.


Rice Bowl

Rust Bowl

Ghost City

Decay City

Correct Answer:

Rust Bowl


The correct answer is Option 2: Rust Bowl

The Pittsburg Industrial Region of the U.S.A. is known as the Rust Bowl after losing its dominance in heavy industries like steel production.

"The industry is one of the most complex and capital-intensive industries and is concentrated in the advanced countries of North America, Europe and Asia. In U.S.A, most of the production comes from the north Appalachian region (Pittsburgh), Great Lake region (Chicago-Gary, Erie, Cleveland, Lorain, Buffalo and Duluth) and the Atlantic Coast (Sparrows Point and Morisville). The industry has also moved towards the southern state of Alabama. Pittsburg area is now losing ground. It has now become the “rust bowl” of U.S.A."