Practicing Success

Target Exam



-- Mathematics - Section A


Linear Programming


There are only 600 milligrams of a certain drug that is needed to make both large and small pills for small-scale pharmaceutical distribution. The large tablets weigh 40 milligrams and the small ones, 30 milligrams. Consumer research determines that at least twice the amount of the smaller tablets are needed than the large ones and there need to be at least three large tablets made. Each large tablet is sold for a profit of Rs 2 and the small tablet, Rs 1. Which of the following inequalities describe the constraint of the problem considering x as the number of large pills and y as the number of small pills?


40x + 30y \(\leq \) 600

x \(\geq \) 3

y \(\geq \) 2x

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


Consumer research determines that at least twice the amount of the smaller tablets are needed than the large ones and there need to be at least three large tablets made