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Target Exam





Grammar: Formation of Sentence


Change the following sentence into an Assertive sentence. Choose the correct answer :

A child and so intelligent at this age!

(A) It is wonderful to have an intelligent child.
(B) It was wonderful like that child.
(C) It is wonderful that a child is so intelligent at this age.
(D) It is wonderful that a mere child is so intelligent.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (1) → (C)

The given sentence "A child and so intelligent at this age!" is an exclamatory sentence expressing surprise or admiration at the intelligence of a child at such a young age.

The assertive sentence "It is wonderful that a child is so intelligent at this age." conveys the same idea in a positive and assertive manner. It acknowledges the intelligence of the child and expresses appreciation for it.

The use of "It is wonderful" in the assertive sentence conveys a sense of admiration, similar to the sentiment expressed in the original sentence. Additionally, by stating "that a child is so intelligent at this age," the assertive sentence explicitly acknowledges the remarkable intelligence of the child while maintaining a positive tone.

Overall, the assertive sentence effectively conveys the admiration for the intelligence of the child without the exclamatory tone of surprise present in the original sentence.