Target Exam



Legal Studies


Legal Profession in India

"Legal education in this country first requires the completion of an integrated Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree, often conferred along with a post-secondary degree. This degree requires a minimum of four years' coursework, although most students complete a five-year program including study of another discipline (such as business, engineering, or medicine). Some law schools have begun to offer a three-year J.D. available only to those with prior four-year university degrees. Some top schools have ceased offering the LL.B., and now offer only the J.D. Completion of the LL.B. is followed by a period of practical legal training (PLT) that may take the form of a practical training course at a law school, an apprenticeship with a legal practitioner (known as "articles of clerkship"), or a combination of the two." The country which is referred to in this paragraph is:
Correct Answer:
Legal education in Australia first requires the completion of an integrated Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree, often conferred along with a post-secondary degree. This degree requires a minimum of four years' coursework, although most students complete a five-year program including study of another discipline (such as business, engineering, or medicine). Some law schools have begun to offer a three-year J.D., available only to those with prior four-year university degrees. Some top schools, such as the University of Melbourne, have ceased offering the LL.B., and now offer only the J.D.Completion of the LL.B. is followed by a period of practical legal training (PLT) that may take the form of a practical training course at a law school, an apprenticeship with a legal practitioner (known as "articles of clerkship"), or a combination of the two.