Practicing Success

Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


Which of the following is correct about interspecific interactions?


Interactions between populations of two different species

Interactions between populations of the same species

Interactions between two individuals of the same species

Interactions between two individuals from different areas

Correct Answer:

Interactions between populations of two different species


The correct answer is Option (1)-Interactions between populations of two different species

Interspecific interactions refer to interactions that occur between populations of different species. These interactions can have varying effects on the species involved, ranging from beneficial to detrimental or neutral.

Beneficial interactions (+) occur when both species involved in the interaction experience advantages or benefits. Examples of beneficial interactions include mutualism, where both species benefit from their interaction, such as in the case of pollination, where bees and flowers have a mutually beneficial relationship.

Detrimental interactions (-) occur when one or both species involved in the interaction experience harm or negative effects. Examples of detrimental interactions include predation, where one species preys on another for food, or competition, where species compete for limited resources such as food or territory.

Neutral interactions (0) occur when the interaction between species has no significant effect on either species. These interactions do not result in any apparent benefits or harms to either species. An example of a neutral interaction is when two species simply coexist in the same habitat without any direct interaction or influence on each other.

It is important to note that these interactions can vary depending on the specific context and the species involved. Different species may exhibit different types of interactions, and the outcomes of these interactions can have significant implications for the populations and ecosystems in which they occur.