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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Social Movements

Consider the following statements related to the book "The Logic of Collective Action" and choose the correct option.
Statement 1: In the book "The Logic of Collective Action" author argues that a social movement is an aggregation of rational individual actors pursuing their self-interest.
Statement 2: This theory is based on the notion of the irrational, utility-maximising individual.
Only Statement 1 is correct
Only Statement 2 is correct
Both Statements are correct
Both the Statements are incorrect.
Correct Answer:
Only Statement 1 is correct
Mancur Olson’s book The Logic of Collective Action argues that a social movement is an aggregation of rational individual actors pursuing their self-interest. A person will join a social movement only if s/he will gain something from it. S/he will participate only if the risks are less than the gains. Olson’s theory is based on the notion of the rational, utility-maximising individual