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Target Exam





Inorganic: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements


Which alloy is used for making bullets and lighter flints?


Shell metal

Misch metal

Gun metal

Monel metal

Correct Answer:

Misch metal


The correct answer is option 2. Misch metal.

Out of the options listed, the alloy used for making bullets and lighter flints is Misch metal.

Misch metal is a pyrophoric alloy, meaning it ignites spontaneously when exposed to air. This property makes it ideal for lighter flints. It is also a hard and dense material, which is useful for bullets. Misch metal is a mixture of rare-earth elements, typically containing around 94-95% lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), and other lanthanides, with about 5% iron (Fe) and trace amounts of sulfur (S), carbon (C), calcium (Ca), and aluminum (Al).

Here's a breakdown of the other options:

Shell metal: This term is not a commonly used name for any specific alloy.

Gun metal: This is a historical term for a type of bronze alloy used in firearms in the past. It is not commonly used today for bullets due to the availability of better materials.

Monel metal: This is a nickel-copper alloy with high strength and corrosion resistance. It is not typically used for bullets or lighter flints.