Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Influence and Group Processes

These groups differ on the basis of structure. Identify the same from the options given below?
Primary and Secondary
Formal and Informal
In group and Outgroup
Team and crowd
Correct Answer:
Formal and Informal
Formal and Informal Groups: These groups differ in the degree to which the functions of the group are stated explicitly and formally. The functions of a formal group are explicitly stated as in the case of an office organisation. The roles to be performed by group members are stated in an explicit manner. The formal and informal groups differ on the basis of structure. The formation of formal groups is based on some specific rules or laws and members have definite roles. There are a set of norms which help in establishing order. A university is an example of a formal group. On the other hand, the formation of informal groups is not based on rules or laws and there is close relationship among members.