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General Test


General Knowledge




What is the order of the metallic character down the group?


it decreases as new shells are added to the element

it increases as electrons move away from the nucleus

increases as new atoms are added to the same shell

it decreases as the effective nuclear charge on the electron increases

Correct Answer:

it increases as electrons move away from the nucleus


The correct answer is option 2. it increases as electrons move away from the nucleus.

The metallic character of an element refers to its tendency to exhibit properties commonly associated with metals, such as being shiny, malleable, ductile, and good conductors of heat and electricity.

As you move down a group in the periodic table, each successive element gains an additional electron shell, or energy level, compared to the preceding element. This means that the outermost electrons of the atoms are located farther from the nucleus as you move down the group.

The increase in distance between the outermost electrons and the nucleus results in a decrease in the effective nuclear charge experienced by those outermost electrons. The effective nuclear charge is the net positive charge experienced by the outermost electrons, taking into account the shielding effect of inner electron shells.

With the increase in distance from the nucleus and the decrease in effective nuclear charge, the outermost electrons are less tightly held by the nucleus. As a result, they are more easily lost to form positive ions, which is a characteristic feature of metals. This increased tendency for atoms to lose electrons and form positive ions contributes to the increase in metallic character as you move down a group in the periodic table.

In summary, the metallic character increases as electrons move away from the nucleus down a group because the outermost electrons experience weaker attraction to the nucleus, making them more easily lost to form positive ions, which is a characteristic property of metals.