Read the passage and answer the following question All of us commit mistakes; nobody is perfect. One may find oneself in a very confused position in life that demands one to lie. It is very tough always to maintain an honest posture. However, one is forgivable if one realizes one’s misgivings over time. An inherently unwise person would repeatedly suppress the voice within themselves that asks them to tread a path of honesty. For their petty gains, they would resort to dishonesty. Such a deliberate attempt to tone down one’s inner voice to repeatedly falsify facts is not worth forgiving. It is neither of any benefit; because the truth always finds its way into the light. There is one difference between being deliberately dishonest and fending white lies. White lies are lies that we all say once in a while to make up for situations we are put in. White lies do not have any casualties; they are harmless. White lies have no significant lousy impact on the one who tells it or the one who is said. They are justifiable. |
Choose one adjective that best describes the route of dishonesty. |
Difficult Dull Alluring Unpleasant |
Alluring |
'Alluring' means something that is fascinating and attractive. As per the passage, the path of dishonesty is very alluring. Thus, option 3 is the most suitable answer. |