Which of the following Sociologists argued that Sociology helps in understanding the links and connections between "personal troubles" and "social issues"? |
Durkheim C.W. Mills Bourdieu Weber |
C.W. Mills |
The correct answer is Option (2) - C.W. Mills C.Wright Mills, a well-known American sociologist, has written that sociology can help you to map the links and connections between “personal troubles” and “social issues”. By personal troubles Mills means the kinds of individual worries, problems or concerns that everyone has. So, for example, you may be unhappy about the way elders in your family treat you or how your brothers, sisters or friends treat you. You may be worried about your future and what sort of job you might get. Other aspects of your individual identity may be sources of pride, tension, confidence or embarrassment in different ways. But all of these are about one person and derive meaning from this personalised perspective. A social issue, on the other hand, is about large groups and not about the individuals who make them up. |