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Target Exam





Electromagnetic Waves


If alpha, beta and gamma rays carry same momentum, which has the longest wavelength?


Alpha rays

Beta rays

Gamma rays

None, all have same wavelength

Correct Answer:

None, all have same wavelength


On the basis of dual nature of light, Lious de-Broglie suggested that the dual nature is not only of light, but each moving material particle has the dual nature. He assumed a wave to be associated with each moving material particle which is called the matter wave. The wavelength of this wave is determined by the momentum of the particle. If p is the momentum of the particle, the wavelength of the wave associated with it is

$λ =\frac{h}{p}$

Where h is Plank’s constant.

Since, it is given that, alpha, beta and gamma rays carry same momentum, so they will have same wavelength.