Practicing Success

Target Exam







Read the information given below to answer

In α-decay, the mass number of daughter nucleus is four less than that of decaying nucleus (parent nucleus). While atomic number decreases by two. In general, α-decay of parent nucleus +2He

\({ }_Z^A X \) results in daughter nucleus \({ }_{Z-2}^{A-4} Y\)

\({ }_Z^A X \longrightarrow{ }_{Z-2}^{A-4} Y+2^{\mathrm{He}^4} \)

From Einstein’s mass energy equivalence relation and energy conservation, it is clear that this spontaneous decay is possible only when mass of decay products is less than the mass of the products. By referring the table of nuclear masses, one can check that the total mass of daughter nucleus and α-particle is indeed less than that of parent nucleus.

The disintegration energy or the Q value can be calculated by formula Q = Δm.c2

\(A \stackrel{\alpha}{\longrightarrow} B \stackrel{\beta}{\longrightarrow} C \stackrel{\beta}{\longrightarrow} D \)

In the process A → B, α particle is emitted by nucleus and in process B → C and C → D each, one – β – particle is emitted.


A, B, C are Isotopes

B, C, D are Isobars

A, B, C are Isobars

A, B, C, D all are Isotopes

Correct Answer:

B, C, D are Isobars


We know, in $β^-$ decay atomic number increases by 1 as a neutron is converted in to a proton, while mass number remains same thus the outcome of $β^-$-decay gives ‘Isobars’. Hence, B, C and D are ‘Isobars’