Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Poetry / Literary)


Read the poem and answer the question below

I lost my talk

The talk you took away.

When I was a little girl

At Shubenacadie school.


You snatched it away:

I speak like you

I think like you

I create like you

The scrambled ballad, about my word.


Two ways I talk

Both ways I say,

Your way is more powerful.

 So gently I offer my hand and ask,

Let me find my talk

So I can teach you about me

What does the poet suggest by the following line

'Your way is more powerful' ?


The poet's culture is dominant 

The authoritative culture is dominant 

Both cultures are equally dominant. 

Cannot say 

Correct Answer:

The authoritative culture is dominant 


The poet acknowledges that because of policies such as those that supported Residential Schools, English and Eurocentric worlds have more power.