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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Rise of Popular Movements


Which of the following can be seen as an achievement of the movements like the NBA (Narmada Bachao Andolan)?


Formation of NGOs by the government to save the ecology from depletion.

Formation of SEZ by the government to boost the economy.

Formation of a comprehensive National Rehabilitation Policy by the government in 2003.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

Formation of a comprehensive National Rehabilitation Policy by the government in 2003.


Arguments and agitations of the movement met vociferous opposition in the States benefiting from the project, especially in Gujarat. At the same time, the point about right to rehabilitation had been now recognised by th government and the judiciary. A comprehensive National Rehabilitation Policy formed by the government in 2003 can be seen as an achievement of the movements like the NBA. However, its demand to stop the construction of the dam was severely criticised by many as obstructing the process of development, denying access to water and to economic development for many.