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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


Instead, during the early months of 1971, the Pakistani army detained Sheikh Mujib and initiated a wave of terror upon the inhabitants of East Pakistan. In response, the populace launched an endeavor to liberate 'Bangladesh' from Pakistan's control. Throughout that year, India bore the responsibility of hosting around 8 million refugees who sought refuge from East Pakistan, burdening its neighboring regions. In a display of solidarity, India provided both moral and tangible assistance to the struggle for freedom in Bangladesh. Pakistan, however, accused India of orchestrating a scheme to disintegrate it.

The split verdict in the 1970 general election highlighted tensions between which two parts of Pakistan?


Northern and Southern regions

Urban and Rural areas

Western and Eastern territories

Coastal and Inland areas

Correct Answer:

Western and Eastern territories


Commencing from 1970, Pakistan encountered a substantial internal dilemma. The initial general election in the country resulted in a divided outcome – Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's party secured victory in West Pakistan, whereas the Awami League under Sheikh Mujib-ur Rahman achieved a sweeping triumph in East Pakistan. The inhabitants of East Pakistan, predominantly Bengalis, cast their votes as a protest against enduring years of discriminatory treatment from the authorities centered in West Pakistan. However, the ruling powers in Pakistan displayed reluctance to acknowledge this democratic mandate. Equally resistant was their response to the Awami League's call for a federal structure.