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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in industrial Society

Who is a Mistri in Kanpur textile mill?
Mistri is a person who recruits labourers through networks of region, and community for the textile mills of the Kanpur.
Mistri is a supervisor of the threading section in the Kanpur textile mill.
Mistri is the woker in textile mills in Kanpur.
Mistri is the person who controls the traditional looms in the Kanpur textile mill.
Correct Answer:
Mistri is a person who recruits labourers through networks of region, and community for the textile mills of the Kanpur.
Job recruitment as a factory worker takes a different pattern. In the past, many workers got their jobs through contractors or jobbers. In the Kanpur textile mills, these jobbers were known as mistris, and were themselves workers. They came from the same regions and communities as the workers, but because they had the owner’s backing they bossed over the workers.