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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Mahatma Gandhi abruptly called off the Non-Cooperation Movement when in ______ a crowd of peasants set fire to a police station in Chauri Chaura.


June 1922

February 1922

December 1922

April 1922

Correct Answer:

February 1922


The correct answer is Option 2- February 1922

Mahatma Gandhi abruptly called off the Non-Cooperation Movement in February 1922 when a crowd of peasants set fire to a police station in Chauri Chaura, killing 22 policemen.

The Chauri Chaura incident was a turning point in the Non-Cooperation Movement. Gandhi was deeply shocked by the violence, and he believed that the movement had lost its way. He also feared that further violence would lead to widespread repression by the British government.

Gandhi's decision to call off the Non-Cooperation Movement was controversial, but it ultimately proved to be the right one. The movement had lost its momentum, and it was clear that it was not going to achieve its goals through non-violent means.

The Non-Cooperation Movement was a mass civil disobedience campaign that was launched by Gandhi in 1920. The goal of the movement was to pressure the British government to grant India independence. The movement involved a variety of activities, including boycotts, strikes, and demonstrations.

The Non-Cooperation Movement was initially successful, but it began to lose momentum in 1922. The Chauri Chaura incident was the final straw for Gandhi, and he decided to call off the movement.

The Non-Cooperation Movement was an important event in the Indian independence movement. It helped to raise awareness of the Indian cause and to mobilize the Indian people. The movement also showed the British government that the Indian people were determined to achieve independence.