What is the % share of MSMES in the medium-scale enterprise? |
99.4% 0.52% 0.1% 47% |
0.1% |
The correct answer is option 3- 0.1%. The emergence of a large service sector has necessitated the government to include other enterprises covering both Small Scale Industries (SSI) sector and related service entities under the same umbrella. Expansion of the small enterprises was taking place growing into medium enterprises and they were required to adopt higher levels of technologies in order to remain competitive in a fast globalising world. Thus, it was necessary to address the concerns of such enterprises as micro, small and medium and provide them with a single legal framework. The MSMED Act, 2006 came into force w.e.f., October, 2006. The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 addressed these issues relating to its definition, credit, marketing and technology up gradation. Medium scale enterprises and service related enterprises also come under the purview of this Act. % share of MSMES in: