Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


Management is responsible for setting and achieving objectives for the organisation. It has to achieve a variety of objectives in all areas considering the interest of all stakeholders including, shareholders, employees, customers and the government. The main objective of any organisation should be to utilise human and material resources to the maximum possible advantage, i.e., to fulfill the economic objectives of a business. These are survival, profit and growth. The basic objectives of any business is survival. Management must strive to ensure the survival of the organisation. In order to survive, an organisation must earn enough revenues to cover costs. Mere survival is not enough for business. Management has to ensure that the organisation makes a profit. Profit provides a vital incentive for the continued successful operation of the enterprise. Profit is essential for covering costs and risks of the business. A business needs to add to its prospects in the long run, for this it is important for the business to grow. To remain in the industry, management must exploit fully the growth potential of the organisation. The growth of a business can be measured in terms of sales volume increase in the number of employees, the number of products or the increase in capital investment, etc. There can be other indicators of growth.

What is the main objective of any organization?


Achieving social recognition

Maximizing material resources

Fulfilling economic objectives

Prioritizing stakeholder interests

Correct Answer:

Fulfilling economic objectives


The fundamental aim of any organization is to optimize the utilization of both human and material resources, ultimately seeking to maximize their advantages and thereby fulfilling the economic objectives of the business.