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Indian Society: Demographic Structure of Indian Society


'One child policy' is one of the measures to decrease the population size. This policy can be categorised under which of the following?


Preventive Checks

Positive Checks

Population Explosion

Social Demography

Correct Answer:

Preventive Checks


The correct answer is Option (1) → Preventive Checks

The "One Child Policy" is a measure aimed at controlling population growth by limiting the number of children families can have. This policy falls under the category of "Preventive Checks" in population control measures. Preventive checks are proactive measures implemented to control population growth before it reaches unsustainable levels. Other examples of preventive checks include family planning programs, birth control measures, and education on reproductive health.

* **Positive Checks:** Positive checks are factors that increase death rates, such as famines or diseases. The one-child policy aims to prevent births, not deaths.
* **Population Explosion:** This refers to the rapid growth of population, which the one-child policy aimed to curb. It's not a category of population control measures.
* **Social Demography:** This is a field of study that examines the social aspects of human populations. While the one-child policy is relevant to social demography, it doesn't represent a specific category within the field.