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Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Matching Definitions


The diagnostic term "mental retardation" is finally being removed in the international classification of diseases and disorders. Which of the following situations is the best example of a Mental Retardation?


Children may learn to sit up, stand, walk like other children.

Tom's medical report shows both components: metal functioning and functional skills.

Sandy was diagnosed before age 18 with a condition in which a child has a below-average intellectual function, and lacks skills necessary for day to day activities.

Peter has visited the electronics store several times, but he still could not decide which phone to buy.

Correct Answer:

Sandy was diagnosed before age 18 with a condition in which a child has a below-average intellectual function, and lacks skills necessary for day to day activities.


The option C is the example of mental retardation as it shows Sandy lacks the required mental functions and skills for his age.