Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following case study and attempt questions.

Mr. Rahul, a management graduate, is working in the XYZ Rubber Ltd. for the last 10 years. His performance is always consistent and many times he received 'Best Employee Award from the management. But in the last two years, it is observed that his performance is gradually getting low. The department tried to identify his reasons for low performance but did not get much information from him. But in recent months some employees had shown disappointment on present leadership, pay system and communication. May be it was the reason for low performance of Mr. Rahul.

Identify the incentive used to motivate Mr. Rahul.


Employee Recognition Programmes


Profit Sharing


Correct Answer:

Employee Recognition Programmes


Most people have a need for evaluation of their work and due recognition. They feel that what they do should be recognised by others concerned. Recognition means acknowledgment with a show of appreciation. When such appreciation is given to the work performed by employees, they feel motivated to perform/work at higher level. Some examples of employee recognition are:
* Congratulating the employee for good performance.
* Displaying on the notice board or in the company news letter about the achievement of employee.
* Installing award or certificate for best performance.
* Distributing mementos, complimentary like T-shirts in recognition of employee services.
* Rewarding an employee for giving valuable suggestions.