Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management


Ravi, the Sales Manager of Global Limited never listens to others regarding sales policies, he think that he only is qualified to evaluate,judge and decide policies related to sales decisions. This leads to conflict among him and other department heads. So coordination is required to reconcile the differences between Ravi and other department heads. Which importance of coordination is referred to in above case?


Growth in size

Functional Differentiation


Increasing Efficiency

Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option (3) : Specialisation

Coordination is important as it integrates the efforts of individuals, departments and specialists.

* Specialisation: Modern organisations are characterised by a high degree of specialisation. Specialisation arises out of the complexities of modern technology and the diversity of tasks to be performed. Organisations, therefore, need to employ a number of specialists. Specialists usually think that they only are qualified to evaluate, judge and decide according to their professional criteria. They do not take advice or suggestions from others in matters pertaining to their area of specialisation. This often leads to conflict amongst different specialists as well as others in the organisation. Therefore, some coordination is required by an independent person to reconcile the differences in approach, interest or opinion of the specialists.

* Growth in size: As organisations grow in size, the number of people employed by the organisation also increases. At times, it may become difficult to integrate their efforts and activities. All individuals differ in their habits of work, background, approaches to situations and relationships with others. It becomes necessary to ensure that all individuals work towards the common goals of the organisation. But employees may have their own individual goals also. Therefore, for organisational efficiency, it is important to harmonise individual goals and organisational goals through coordination.

* Functional differentiation: Functions of an organisation are divided into departments, divisions and sections. In an organisation there may be separate departments of finance, production, marketing or human resources. All these departments may have their own objectives, policies and their own style of working. All departments and individuals are interdependent and they have to depend on each other for information to perform their activities. The activity of each department needs to be focused on attainment of common organisational goals. The process of linking the activities of various departments is accomplished by coordination.